About Us
Spring 24 Picture
What We Do
Our program is designed to educate its members on issues regarding basic needs insecurities and how to aid those struggling with them. We guide members on how to navigate these issues in their professional lives through social events and food stalls across campus with food accessible for anyone interested. Become a member at any time!
Hungry 4 Biscuits was started in the summer of 2022 by our founder and current President, Hana Gurz. Inspired by her mother, who always kept rolls of biscuits to give to anyone hungry, Hana wanted to extend this kindness across the Inland Empire. The club began with small biscuit distribution events and quickly grew as more people joined the cause. Over time, Hungry 4 Biscuits has expanded its activities, organizing weekly distributions of all sorts of food, partnering with local businesses and clubs to de-stigmatize food insecurity, and raising awareness about food accessibility issues in the community.
How To Get Involved
When it is your turn, keep an eye out for the H4B table around the bell tower area. You do not need to bring anything with you, however, we are always open to donations! A board member will always be present with you during your shift.